The Drive And My Crash.

by sexythinker

Yesterday, I was in a pretty bad car crash

It happened while I was driving home to Lexington. My mind was racing 100 mph, the rest of the world was pulling me in 50 different directions and yes I was on my iphone. As could be expected in the midst of chaos I stumbled into an intersection where a driver in control of the road slammed hard into my car crushing the entire front end of my vehicle. Instantly, the airbag smashed against my chest, then quickly unraveled over my head and throughout the car. The impact took my breath away.

Now this will sound terrible but honest..

My first thought: “I’ve completely lost control and my car it is about to explode. I have to save my computer.”
My next thought: “Are the passengers in the other car ok?”

Everyone was safe and unharmed but frantic, my Mac and I were still in mint condition but my sexy car was mangled beyond repair. I stepped out of the car into the chaos and debris and waited for the lingering nightmare to end.

Flashback to five days ago: I had the reverse experience.

Driving along the coast of sunny California, while taking some much needed “Amanda time”, iphone shutdown, I stumbled upon a drive so beautiful, so peaceful, so overwhelming, that it took my breath away. Several times along the way, I had to just stop, get out of the car, and convince myself that it was real. The calmness, the serenity completely captivated me and for moments that seemed to last forever, everything seemed perfect. Not wanting the feeling to end I decided to I drive for miles and miles.

Now this may sound to good to be true but..

My first thought: “I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so free, so liberated behind the wheel.”
My second thought: “I could lose myself on this road, on this path, forever.”

Flash forward to the present.

I’m still shaken and overwhelmed by both experiences. And while it’s hard find the nerve to get behind the wheel again, I’m definitely ready to drive down the road with less chaos.

Sometimes, I think the universe speaks to us in the most painful, the most powerful, and the most deliberate ways.

20 Comments to “The Drive And My Crash.”

  1. Glad you are safe and well most importantly, and yes I agree the universe has a way of saying ‘hey. slow down.”

  2. Amanda,
    So glad to hear that YOU are ok. I think that we have all had somewhat weird experiences like that. Almost when something awesome happens in life, and you think to yourself…” Okay, now what’s going to mess this up”. So GLAD you are OKAY!

  3. Wow! I’m so glad you’re ok (and your Mac too)! 🙂

    It’s good that you have these two experiences to compare and are choosing to reach for the calmer version. It’s a challenge to be so connected, so needed and so committed to pushing the envelope. But, it’s so very important to make/schedule some “you time”.

    Of course I’m preaching about something that I’ve yet to master myself, but your wake-up call may be a good opportunity to make sure I do that sooner rather than later.

  4. I’m so glad you and the people in the other car are safe!!

  5. I am so glad you are ok – the world needs you.

  6. wow amanda. so glad you are ok…and i echo kat’s words.

  7. You deserved the angel that was watching over you to keep you safe…you are a bright light for so many paths you cross…

  8. Thank you all for the caring comments it means alot to me.

  9. I was just glad to hear you were ok. There are too many people in this world that need your inspiration, energy and genuine spirit. Sometimes a wake up call is given to us. Next time you see the chaos ahead sign, take a detour and slow down. Thank you for all you do.

  10. So glad to hear you and Mac came out of the crash physically ok! The road you took us on in your story between the two moments in time certainly would leave me wondering how I could funnel some of the beauty and calm of the first trip into my everyday drive through life. Hugs my friend~ D

  11. Jangled. I get myself to that place more often than not, without meaning to, just busy and escalating, and ignoring my intuition, until something big stops me in my tracks. (These days I usually get bronchitis, but I used to get in small car accidents a lot.)
    It’s funny, I always think of your comments on “focus control” when I’m in that space, and I try to get myself to calm, present, and in control. I’m really sorry about your accident, but thank you for sharing that sometimes you yourself still struggle a bit in this area.
    I look forward to seeing what kind of car you get next!

  12. Gracious Amanda…so glad to hear you are okay.

    My husband and my staff are usually all over me for texting/talking while driving. That is such a challenge for us type A’ers. 🙂

    My greater fear is the bad example it sets for my kids.

    Anyway, glad to hear you personally are okay. Cars can be fixed or replaced…as can MACs. LOL.

  13. So glad you and your passengers and your Mac were unharmed! It’s easy to get a new car – lives are more precious. Keep safe!

  14. PS A few weeks ago I was so distracted coming back into my building’s garage that I could barely get into a parking space – finally went to the next level where I didn’t have to figure out how to get into a space without hitting a post or something – I had so much on my mind I could not concentrate. Life has speeded up this year to ridiculous rpms – it would be great to slow down, take a deep breath and just relax.

  15. I’m just glad you are ok. Are those pics of Monterrey? Beautiful like you. I love you!

  16. A Harrowing and beautiful story at the same time. A lot like life overall. It is wonderful that you are able to be “in the moment” and totally enjoy the beauty of where you are. Your description of the drive along the coast took me with you as if I was there to see it myself.

    Your thoughts immediately following the accident, as silly as they seem now, are typical of shock and confusion. I’m amazed that you can even remember the first few seconds/minutes afterwards.

    Very glad you and the people in the other car are unhurt.

    One more thing…….don’t even think about your phone while you are driving!

  17. I drive 90 miles every day. People say it is a good way to wind down before getting home. Bullshit.

    Glad you are okay. Hope you get an even sexier new car out of the deal.

    Sedona is a great place to wind down. It would probably drive you crazy!

  18. My world is a better place with you in it. Please stay.

  19. Each of these comments really touched me. I love you guys.

  20. Thank God it turned out ok.
    When I was a kid I had 2 accidents and felt that I would never want to drive again. You’ll be cool!

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