Archive for ‘Therapy’

March 6, 2013

The Be The Change for YOU Challenge. #BTC4You

by sexythinker

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This is for YOU, you know who you are. YOU make us better and WE want to return the favor.

Something that many of us will learn the hard way is that we’re not indestructable. We often put everything and everyone ahead of ourselves and our health, when in reality the better condition we are in mentally, physically and personally, the bigger change we can be in the world and to those in it that we love and care about the most. This is coming from someone who struggles with this every day – me.

The Be The Change for YOU Challenge. #BTC4You   

STEP 1: Make a bucket list of the things that you commit to doing in 30 days for YOU. Things you know that you need to do for yourself, your health, your well being and overall happiness. (You can do anything for 30 days and it takes that long to form a habit)

STEP 2: Post the bucket list on a blog titled: The Be The Change For YOU 30 Day Challenge #BTC4You (Posting it publicly holds you accountable and can inspire others to join the challenge)

STEP 3: Share the blog on Twitter using #BTC4You and on your Facebook wall tagging (Be The Change Revolutions). Invite others to join in the challenge.

STEP 4: Everyday, follow the hashtag #BTC4You twitter stream. Share what you are doing that day to “Be The Change for YOU” and then encourage others that are taking the challenge. On Facebook You can tag and engage on the Be The Change Revolutions Facebook Page. (The support of a community makes us a zillion times stronger)

My #BTC4You 30 Day Bucket List

Continue to eat healthy for 30 days straight – No exceptions

Exercise daily for 30 days straight – Yes, everyday

No alcohol for 30 days – No problem

Take at least one complete day off per week – Hell froze over

Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night

Prioritize, schedule and keep all Doctors appointments

I’m being the change for me, for you.  I’m hoping you’ll be inspired to do the same.




March 13, 2009

doing without is filling me up

by sexythinker

i’m drinking lemon water and talking too loud at a borders bookstore in ohio.  a guy flashes me an annoyed glare and i wink at him (my charming way of apologizing).  i’m rushing to wrap up my week so that i can move onto a fun-filled 7 year old’s birthday weekend.   i keep getting distracted wondering whether or not i was too hard on the guy i just hung up the phone with.   i’m on the second day of a two day fast, so i’m not quite as approachable as i might normally be.  while i may not be as debonair as i usually am (ha), this fast has been a meaningful experience for me that’s making me a better person in a few ways:

1) i’m typically a wimp and sometimes pretty lazy when it comes to this type of stuff.  it’s pretty cool to discover a newly found discipline and toughness.

2) i decided to do the fast for selfish reasons.  cleanse my system, lose some weight and clear my mind.  however, by choosing to go two days experiencing hunger pains during this month’s “12 for 12k Charity, Share Our Strength” fund raising, i haven’t been able to quit thinking about the children who don’t have a choice in the matter. and,  i’m so inspired to do more.

3) while i’m clearly aggravated easily, i’m in this strangely lovable, super affectionate place right now when it comes to those i care about most.

once i got past the whining and headache i realized i’m kind of digging this fast thing.  or it’s making me delusional.  either way, I can’t wait for breakfast in the morning.

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March 7, 2009

sexy saturday’s

by sexythinker

over the last few weeks i’ve had this love affair with saturday’s. as the day nears i get giddy,  it may be one of the biggest day crushes i’ve ever had.

last saturday was the best ME day I’ve had in a long time.  i’m not sure whether it was the relaxing trip to the spa or my carefree attitude and approach to the day that made it so perfect.  either way today i’m requesting more of the same.

it’s saturday morning’s that are my favorite hands down.  waking up naturally to birds chirping no-pj’s, no alarm, where the only expectation from the day is a sunrise and knowing it’s agenda is at my command. 

this morning i haven’t left my bed yet.  the sound of the birds chirping outside are competing with my tweet deck updates.  i laugh to myself because from another room I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.  i don’t know what’s more telling that, or the fact that i’m in bed with twitter.  a twitter friend tells me i should be participating in #sexysaturday ‘s .  i think to myself ..

“oh, believe me i am and you have no idea how good i’m becoming at this.” 

i just don’t know why i didn’t start participating in sexy saturday’s sooner..

March 6, 2009

blog therapy. day 1

by sexythinker

 i’m starting this blog mainly with self serving intentions,  giving myself an outlet that relieves stress and grounds my mind.

journaling is supposed to be good for mental health. for some reason when i think of that act, i picture a kid scribbling the words “PRIVATE: KEEP OUT” on the cover of a hello kitty journal. in the past, i thought i was too cool for it.  now i know i’m not, so i’m taking it up…on a public blog…minus the hello kitty journal.

when i decided to write a blog series about quiting my job, I discovered blogging could be therapeutic.  any english major or 5th grader would tell you i’m a terrible writer but i have a pretty authentic voice, so somehow it works for me. and, to my surprise, people keep reading my stuff.

letting you read my journal appeals to me.  i can tell myself that something i write may (in some sane or insane way) be therapeutic to you, and that makes me feel better about starting a self-serving blog.