Posts tagged ‘moving’

April 19, 2009

weather rant

by sexythinker

to wrap up my birthday week i wake up (after having a great dream about being a vampire) to another day of cloudy skies and rain.  yesterday my neighbor was sunbathing on her deck and a week ago my deck was covered in snow.  inconsistent weather drives me insane and bad weather makes me cry.

my bff always tells says  “you shouldn’t let the weather drive your mood”.  dude, it is sooo much easier to slap a smile on your face and when the sun’s shining in a clear blue sky.  on my last quick trip to sunny california before my flight out i had an early breakfast along the beach. i noticed the big fat smiles on the faces of the happy, healthy people, running, biking and walking their dogs near by. even the dogs looked happier.

once a year i take a vaca to laguna beach, we stay at the surf and sand hotel and create some of my favorite memories.  life seems perfect there.  when it’s leaving time i declare i’m moving and stock up on over priced real estate ads.

when the weather here is bad i get mad at myself for not moving in with the palm trees but then i remind myself…

  • that my precious grandparents live nearby and i love them more than a beach
  • that my friends, family and loved ones who often drive me crazy but give life meaning are all also in a drives reach and
  • that most of the talent team at Talent Revolution are all close by

while i haven’t given up on my dream to be a vampire living by the surf and sand.  i’m putting it on hold for now. better weather’s coming and boating days at the lake and lunches in the sun at the greene are just around the corner.  in the meantime i’m working on a plan to have my cake and eat it too.